The other day, a class full of sophomores and I were discussing ways to get out of answering awkward questions in English. My case in point was the hypothetical dinner party in which the host or hostess asks, "What do you think of the meal?"
If the food is terrible, the response has to be delicate.
As the students were pondering their deliveries, one young man offered his advice:
You could say, It's very erotic.
I lowered my head and raised my eyebrows simultaneously. Erotic?
Yeah he confirmed.
Do you know what that means? I asked.
Of course, he responded.
I instantaneously decided to have some fun.
It means 'sexy,' I deadpanned.
The class erupted into full-scale laughter, including the two of us.
I later explained his confusion of "erotic," with "exotic."
And, I didn't even have to buy a ticket for that.