A few weeks ago, one of our largest school-sponsored clubs asked me to give a TED-esque presentation. (If you don't know what TED, is, click here.)
At first, I declined because it would require yet another commute across town to our second campus, a place which already owns me four out of five teaching days in the week. One of their leaders, a current student, finally sold me on the idea when she asked me if I would speak about the ways in which I have encouraged my students to "do the right thing," all year. I took it as an open door through which I should step in order to reach ears that rarely hear counsel of the heart from teachers. The majority of my presentation was dedicated to internet integrity and how that impacts their current reputation, their future chances of acceptance by international schools, and their overall legacy that will continue long after they are gone.
It was a good night. No, it was a great night. Standing room only. With so many in attendance being current students and former students, it reminded me that I have one of the most amazing jobs on earth.