This week, I was a(n)...
CONFESSOR to students in my Study Skills classes. I don't like teaching the course, and I dislike the textbook even more. Sadly, some of those students don't know how dedicated and excited I am about teaching because I've allowed my own pathetic indifference to get in the way. I apologized to them and explained why. They were shocked. I specifically apologized to two young men who have been late and absent on a few occasions. They were even more shocked that I would absorb some of the blame. That is VERY un-Chinese.
BEGGAR to a young man who desperately needs glasses but refuses to get them. I spoke with him after class (again) and implored him to re-consider.
CARETAKER to a team-mate who slipped, fell, and fractured her arm. She somehow made it through two classes before she went to the hospital for an official CT scan. The scan, itself, was as painful as the fall. The technology isn't yet consumer-friendly, meaning that instead of the x-ray machine orbiting her (as we Vikings would expect), she had to straighten her arm to accommodate the machine. As an added challenge, pain management/prevention is unheard of, at least in this corner. No wonder the Harbiners are considered so hardy a people. Their pain threshold must be off the charts.
COUNSELOR to a heartbroken freshman whose girlfriend has broken up with him because of his bad temper. He found me between classes one morning, and our conversation led to a moment when I knew that I had to be bold enough to remind him of his Creator's love. With our backs to the hallway and our faces looking out the fifth-story windows, I put my hand on his shoulder and began to intercede. His head dropped and his shoulders began to shake. He says he'll be ok, but I can't help but wonder if there will be a future girl and a future break-up that will compel him to find a window ledge instead of a friend.
EXPLORER with a former student whose cold stare and abrupt words from last year somehow pricked a vein of friendship. It is only through Love that such a treaty could unfold between two unlikely companions. One smile, one echo of laughter from him is like ten from anyone else. I take notice of everything he does that seems contrary to his hardened heart. This past holiday weekend, he invited me on a pedestrian journey through the city – something that we did last spring. We spent all day together. I was delighted that he found amusement in so many things: my contorted body trying to get just the right angle for photos, my choice of where to do business based on store size (Go underdogs!) and employee friendliness, and my re-enactment of how my great-grandfather used to prompt a social exit by looking at his adoring wife (my great-grandmother) and drawling, “Gal, let's go!” Her response of “Ok, sugar,” actually made my company laugh as he repeated her line. I've never seen him so lighthearted. Oh, that I may see that face oneday light up for glorious reasons.